
Here is a list of some of the benefits you’ll be able to receive when becoming a member of GPAS:

  • Special Members-Only Meetings: Holiday Party, speaker’s members-only presentation (not all speakers though)
  • Allowed to attend Board (i.e. business meetings) Meetings
  • Breeders Awards Program
  • Horticulture Awards Program
  • Invertebrate Awards Program
  • Participate in Grow Out contests
  • Participate in Bowl Shows with your fish
  • Allowed to vote for officers and other club changes
  • Support your local fish club
  • Discount at some fish stores (like 10% off at Aquarium Co-Op in Edmonds, WA – Cory will ship too)
  • Non-donated, fish-related items in the auction on your items will get you 75% of the proceeds. Does not apply to BAP or HAP items, or donations.
  • Members-Only area website (coming soon!)