Welcome to the home of the Greater Portland Aquarium Society!

The Greater Portland Aquarium Society is a Portland, Oregon based club of aquatic hobbyists dedicated to advancing the aquarium hobby and enhancing it’s enjoyment for our members, guests, and the aquarium community . Whether your interest is fish, invertebrates, or aquatic plants, fresh water or salt, in home aquaria or ponds, all aspects of the hobby are enjoyed by our members. We meet every month for talks, auctions, and general fellowship among like-minded aquarium folk. Our meetings are open to the public and we welcome you to our monthly gathering.

Our next meeting will be held in Sunday December 15th and will be our annual Holiday Party/Social Gathering.

Please note the meeting will not be held at the Moose lodge and rather will be held at our club president home.

Most of our meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month at the East Portland Moose Lodge, starting at 12 noon. Please be sure to enter at the rear (non-Moose member) entrance of the building. Any exceptions will be noted. Please see Calendar of Events page for more information. The address for our general meetings:

Royal Order of the Moose
East Portland Lodge
16411 NE Halsey Street
Portland, OR 97230

Moose Lodge Directions-Google Maps